This course is suitable for beginners, no prior knowledge of programming is required. If you are interested in programming but don't know where to start, this is the course for you. Python is remarkably simple compared to many other languages and provides a good foundation for you to start building your knowledge upon.
This course empowers students with the knowledge needed to comprehend the principles underlying the functionality of web pages. Participants will learn to create static web pages and, when necessary, make modifications to the code of existing web pages.
During the course, students will learn those fundamental principles, on which they can create computer games. Towards the materials, prepared by the lecturer, students will develop themselves cross platform games in Unity.
The GeoLab's YouTube channel features video recordings of the entire course. This allows individuals to pursue self-directed learning by accessing lectures in the Georgian language, tailored to their preferred subject area.
New Technologies and Innovations laboratory
GeoLab, the New Technologies and Innovations laboratory, was established in 2015. The training center, equipped with modern technologies, stands as a central component of this space. It provides an open opportunity for any interested individual to select and delve into a compelling modern profession of their choice.